Peterborough lacrosse, 150 year tradition continues


This year the Peterborough lacrosse community is celebrating 150 years of the oldest and most successful sport in the city’s history.

The game began here in 1872 with the first team the Red Stockings. Peterborough won its first championship five years later and since that time has won 29 senior and junior national championships and more than 150 provincial titles.

A local committee, headed by Tim Barrie, has been formed to celebrate the game’s anniversary with a big week of lacrosse being planned for the last week of June ending with the celebration of Canada’s birthday on July 1.

A logo, designed by former lacrosse player Jamie Plunkett of apparel company UncommonFit,  has been selected. The committee, made up of all local lacrosse organizations, is encouraging all businesses, fans, anyone who wants to join the celebrations to promote and celebrate  ‘the fastest game on two feet’.

More exciting news on the celebrations will follow in the weeks to come.



The 2022 James Gang Season is right around the corner! We cannot wait to welcome the gang back after the previous two seasons. Stay tuned to the website and social media for the latest on tryouts, schedule, and all other things James Gang and we will see you on opening night!